Your Aging Parent

The cycle of life. We come into this world and are (hopefully) nurtured by our parent(s). We are loved, clothed, fed, and then sent off to make our own way in the world. Season after season goes by, then the table begins to turn. Those who loved and nurtured us for the first part of our lives begin to need our help to care for them.

So, what does that look like?

It can be very different for every family depending on whether you are an only child or have siblings to help with the change that has come along in your parents’ life. It can depend on the stage at which your help is needed. Do you have young children at home yourself still? Are your children all grown up? Perhaps you are a single person on your own with no children. Do you work full time? Are you retired?

The other side is how much your parent or parents require your help. Are they still living on their own? If so, how much of the daily routine are they able to manage on their own? Some tasks that aging parents need help with may be:

  • Cleaning
  • Grocery shopping
  • Finances
  • Running errands
  • Going to doctor appointments
  • Cooking
  • Bathing and self-care
  • Maintaining their yard
  • Day to day companionship if they are on their own
  • Hospice care

Perhaps their eyesight begins to degenerate, and they start to rely on you more and more to get around. This can involve taking them to buy their groceries, taking them to doctor appointments, managing their finances for them, or taking care of their yard. And while we love to help in any way possible, it is true that some of these tasks can become too much for some to manage on their own when they have their own home and maybe children to care for, or are employed full time.

Not only can all these things be hard to manage with what you may have on your own plate, but it can also be very emotionally draining.

Parents who were once strong, and stood with you against the world, may now be weak, and unable to do much of anything on their own. It can be very hard to watch the decline of a parent’s health.

There are many ways in which we at Cariboo Home and Health Services can help! We offer many services such as companionship, cleaning, end of life care, shopping, errands, yard care, and maintenance. We are here to offer the very best of care so that your loved one can remain in the comfort of their own home as long as possible. Contact us today to find out how we can help!

By | 2019-11-25T21:17:57+00:00 November 25th, 2019|Categories: Elder Care|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Your Aging Parent

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